An Academic Cooperation Protocol was signed between Sakarya University and University of Indonesia. A new one has been added to the steps taken by Sakarya University in line with its internationalizat…
Sakarya University International Office Erasmus+ Coordination Office hosted Yuliia LUCHKO and Olha STASIV, staff from Poland Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, within the scope of KA131 Erasm…
As the International Office, we organized a dinner for Erasmus and Freemover students who are part of the education and internship mobility at Sakarya University. Vice Rector Prof.Dr. Özer Kö…
Faculty of Political Sciences 2023-2024 Academic Year Spring Semester Orientation Program, Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. It was held at Sabahattin Zaim Meeting Hall. Dean of the Faculty of Political Scienc…
Educons University Delegation from Karmenica, Serbia visited Sakarya University International Relations Office. International delegation; Erasmus+ Institution Coordinator Joavana Kisin and Prof. Dr. W…